"Life, Colors, Paths: Africa" Exhibition


Africa Day is celebrated on May 25th by millions across Africa and around the world. 

The university library also wishes to join this significant occasion to pay tribute to the diversity of African culture. The International Directorate of the University of Pécs and the Africa Research Center contribute significantly to the continent's affairs here in Pécs. 

We owe special thanks to Prof. Dr. István Tarrósy, Director of the International Directorate and head of the Africa Research Center, who has provided his private collection gathered during decades of travels for the library's exhibition. The exhibition features 14 African masks, 6 sculptures, and 2 altarpieces from 13 countries. 

Africa is home to colors, music, flavors, and life. It is the continent from which humanity embarked on its endless journey, a journey still ongoing today. It is the cradle of our civilization: seas, mountains, rainforests, and deserts divide the continent. 

With fifty-six countries, numerous dialects, and vibrant cultures, Africa is rich in local natural resources, whether in its fauna, flora, or the treasures hidden beneath its soil. 

To provide a glimpse into the wonders of the continent, let us mention some must-see sights of Africa: Egyptian pyramids, Rwandan gorillas, Kenyan safaris, Tanzania's beautiful shores, Tunisia's ancient world, and the endless sand dunes of the Sahara. 

The exhibition will be open for viewing from May 8th to August 30th, 2024. 


Regional Library and Knowledge Center, Ground Floor, next to the registration desk 

Pécs, Universitas Street 2/A 

Exhibition Curators: Prof. Dr. István Tarrósy, Anna Eby Varghese, Zsuzsanna Gergely, Johanna Kádár

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