Discover our library's group study spaces


Group study spaces are available in certain PTE libraries, free of charge for PTE citizens. These rooms are suitable for group studying and joint projects in small groups.   

The study rooms are well equipped and technically equipped for comfortable learning. 


For more information on group study spaces and booking methods, please click on the link: 

  • Benedek Ferenc Specialized Library of the Faculties Law and Economics 

7622 Pécs, Universitas u. 2/A.  
Group study room: max 7 people  
Seminar room: max 15 people 

  • Specialized Library of Engineering and Information Technology 

7624 Pécs, Boszorkány u. 2. 
Group study room: max 10 people 

  • Specialized Library of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development (Szekszárd) 

7100 Szekszárd, Rákóczi u.1. 
Group study room: max 8 people 

  • Tóth József Specialized Library of Humanities and Sciences 

7624 Pécs, ifjúság u. 6. 
Group study room: max 15 people 

For more information on group study spaces and booking methods, please click on the link:   
If you have any further questions about our service, please contact us by e-mail at:

The purchase of the equipment for the group study rooms was implemented with the support of the winning grant EFOP-343-16-2016-0005, Modern University in a Modern City: Value-Centredness, Openness And Inclusive Approach. 

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