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Extraordinary closing


Dear Readers and Visitors!

Please note that in accordance with Government Decree No. 46/ 2020 (III. 16) - due to the epidemiological situation - the entire University of Pécs University Library and Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre, with all Faculty and Branch Libraries) won’t be accepting visitors for an indefinite period . Rental, and use on site will be suspended.
Our online services will be continuously available, and we won’t be charging late fees during this period.

We will keep you informed of further measures.

Thank you for your understanding.

Available services during the extraordinary closing:



There is only online registration available currently. With an online library card the University of Pécs citizens are able to access our subscribed databases

Book loan, reservation, and book return

These services are currently not available.

Library debt payment

Online payment is still possible trough the following link:

Renewing books

Online renewal is still possible. The expiration date for all books has been extenden automatically, and we won’t be charging late fees during this period.

Interlibrary loans

During this extraordinary period, we consider it our duty to support education, so we are making this service available to University of Pécs instructors. The requested documents will be forwarded online, and if this is not possible, we will be able to deliver them internally by mail.

You can submit your inter-library request to


On workdays, we are available from Mon-Fri 8:00 - 16:00 through the following number:

72 / 501-650 / 28021

Chat service: we are available, you can reach us from the bottom right corner on our page.



The subscribed databases are available to University of Pécs citizens with a valid library card. If your library card has expired, you can renew it here!

More information about remote access

E-book collections

They are available for free for University of Pécs citizens

Open Access publishing

This service is still available during the closing period.

More information here:

Frequently asked questions

What should I do if my library card has expired, but i want to use the databases from home?

In this case we advise you to registrate online! After a successfull registration, you will be able to access our subscribed databases. You can find more information about remote access here.

My borrowed books have expired, and I cannot renew them. What should I do ?

We have extended the deadlines for all borrowed documents for indefinite period. We won't be charging late fees for this period.

I was asked to settle my library debt. How can I do this now?

Currently, only online payments are possible. You can arrange them here.

University of Pécs Library networkKnowledge Centre

Recommendations for distance education :

Distance learning solutions:

Games for Business digital learning platform:


Advice for international students (video) – Koltai Arnold PTE
2020. márc. 17.

Advice for international students (video) – Dr. Tarrósy István PTE
2020. márc. 16.

Covid-19: latest measures and information (video) – József Betlehem
2020. márc. 16.

For the latest information please visit the official Facebook page of the University of Pécs Library and Knowledge Centre:

Trackback link:

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