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Extraordinary information: Available services


Official information

(last update: March 20, 2021)
Dear Readers!

Please note that in accordance with Government Decree No. 484/2020. (XI.10.), No. 505/2020. (XI. 17.) and No. 569/2020 – due to the epidemiological situation – the entire University of Pécs University Library and Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre, with all Faculty Libraries) will be closed from November 11.

In line with the restricting measures, our rental services will be suspended from March 8, 2021.

During this time rental, and use on site will be suspended in the Knowledge Centre, and the Faculty Libraries. Our online services are continuously available.

We will keep you informed about the services and further actions on the library website and on our social pages (FacebookTwitter).

We ask for your kind understanding and patience regarding the situation.

Information on current library use

(last update: March 7 , 2021)
Currently important informations for our readers.

The expiration date for all books and library cards that would expire during the closing period  has been extended.

You can check the status of your borrowed documents here, or arrange them through your reader account.

If your books have expired before November 11, 2020 and you have not yet renewed them, you can do so online through your reader account. You can also request renewal on our chat service and by phone on weekdays from 8 AM to 4 PM.

Our libray won't be charging late fees during this period.

In case you have a debt from a previous period, you have the option to pay the fee online.

You can find detailed information about the online payment process here.

Information for University of Pécs students.

Remote access services

Access to Databases, electronic journals, e-books outside from outside the University

The use of the University of Pécs electronic sources is still ensured by the University Library and Knowledge Centre as usual. It is not necessary to be physically present on the University’s campus, libraries and other buildings in order to access the contents remotely.

You can find detailed information on remote access here.

The subscribed databases are available to University of Pécs citizens with a valid library card. If you haven't registrated yet, you can do it here!

“Ask the librarian!”

With this service we provide online information to our readers on issues that require the help of a professional librarian. We await questions that require specialized guidance or orientational help in a search.

We provide information on documents found in the library network, or in electronic databases subscribed by the library (also accessible to University of Pécs Citizens remotely).

Only readers with a valid reading card can use this service by clicking on the following link:

For general questions, you can use our „Chat with the Librarian” service from 8 AM to 4 PM on weekdays. This application can be found on all web pages of the University Library and Knowledge Centre, in the lower right segment of the site.

Information for University of Pécs researchers and doctoral students.

Remote access services

Access to Databases, electronic journals, e-books outside from outside the University

The use of the University of Pécs electronic sources is still ensured by the University Library and Knowledge Centre as usual. It is not necessary to be physically present on the University’s campus, libraries and other buildings in order to access the contents remotely.

You can find detailed information on remote access here.

The subscribed databases are available to University of Pécs citizens with a valid library card. If you haven't registrated yet, you can do it here!

“Ask the librarian!”

With this service we provide online information to our readers on issues that require the help of a professional librarian. We await questions that require specialized guidance or orientational help in a search.

We provide information on documents found in the library network, or in electronic databases subscribed by the library (also accessible to University of Pécs Citizens remotely).

Only readers with a valid reading card can use this service by clicking on the following link:

For general questions, you can use our „Chat with the Librarian” service from 8 AM to 4 PM on weekdays. This application can be found on all web pages of the University Library and Knowledge Centre, in the lower right segment of the site.

MTMT counselling for doctoral students

Doctoral students can seek advice from faculty admins on how to manage their MTMT data. More information available here.

Interlibrary loan

Administration and application takes place only by e-mail ( or on the online interlibrary loan surface, without paper-based application forms. The requested documents will be delivered internally by mail. More information here.

Access doctoral dissertations online

2435 doctoral dissertations defended at the University of Pécs are available and can be studied by anyone on the interface of the University of Pécs Archive.

Open Access Publishing Office

The Library's Open Access Publishing Office assists in the publication of open access articles by University of Pécs authors. The Library will provide information on the process of open access publishing at the following e-mail address:

More information here.

Document ID requests

We continue to provide document identifiers for publications subject to University of Pécs’s publishing practice:

ISSN / e-ISSN application

Email address:

ISBN / e-ISBN applicaton

Email address:

DOI application

Email address:

Should you have any further questions about our services, please send them to

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