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Plastic free July


Our exhibition on the initiative which launched in Austria in 2011 can be viewed on the ground floor of the Knowledge Centre.
We’ve put together some tips to help you reduce your everyday plastic usage.

Did you know?

Disposable plastics are those products, that take 5 seconds to produce, you use them for 5 minutes, and they take 500 years to decompose.

Approx. 10 million tons of plastic waste will end up in our oceans annually. If we continue like this, in a few decades, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.


What can You do to reduce plastic waste?

1.     Buy fruits and vegetables in your own textile or linen bag.

2.     Bring your own bags for shopping!

3.     Choose products packed in glass or paper!

4.     Do not use plastic packaging at home either.

5.     Pack your lunch in a reusable  box

6.     Have your own flask instead of plastic water bottles, which you can refill with water!

7.     Say no to straws and disposable cutlery!

8.     Use environmentally friendly, natural cleaners!

9.     Buy cotton cloths, taking care of your own health and our waters at the same time!

10.   Look for a more natural alternative to your plastic items (e.g: toothbrush)


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