Chat a könyvtárossal (Nem elérhető)


The use of lockers

 - The use of the lockers is free

- A key to the lockers can be requested at the loan desk on the 2nd floor

- A valid library card is needed to be able to rent a locker.

- Lockers can be rented no later than the given day, until closing

- The key must be returned to the loan desk before closing; if this does not happen, your library card will be blocked, during which the library services will not be available

- Replacement of a lost or damaged key: HUF 1000

- We take no responsibility for the values placed in the lockers

The use of the lockers is free of charge!

- The service can only be used by registered readers (those with a daily card or an annual visitor card cannot use it)

- A key to the lockers can be requested at the loan desk on the 2nd floor, until the end of the day

- In case of the key is not returned at the end of the day, your library card will be blocked, during which the library services will not be available

- If the locker is not emptied and the key is not returned by the end of the day an e-mail notification is sent to the reader. If the reader does not show up in two days, the security guards will empty the locker and retain the values found inside

- Replacement of a lost or damaged key: HUF 1000

- We take no responsibility for the values placed in the lockers


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