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Guided tours

The collection can be visited free of charge on the first Saturday of each month (from April 1 to October 31)

- if: you are under 26 years old,

- or you are accompanying a person under 18 (up to 2 people).

Discounted admission applies to:

- individuals aged 6 to 26,

- retirees over 62 years of age,

- those accompanying at least two people under 18 (up to 2 people),

- students upon presenting a valid student ID (full-time students).

Guided Tour RatesSingleCombined
Adult500 HUF800 HUF
Student, Senior300 HUF

500 HUF

For groups up to 15 personsKlimo Library OR University History ExhibitionKlimo Library AND University History Exhibition

6000 HUF/ group9000 HUF/ group

Guided tours are free for:

- Students and employees of the University Pécs

- Children under age 6

- Disabled people (+1 attendant)

- People aged over 70

- Teachers

- Librarians

- On the first Saturday of every month is free to visit both collections if the visitor is under 26 or attending at least two visitors under 18 years

Opening hoursDuring the YearExra opening hours: 1 April-31 October

Monday-Friday: 9-15 h 

Monday-Friday: 9-15 h
Saturday: 9-13 h

Research admission to Special Collections is free to all: visiting researchers as well as every member of the University are welcome to use the collections.

The department is WiFi enabled.

Although it is not necessary to make an appointment, it is best to get in touch in advance as it is not always possible for us to issue the item you may wish to see or to respond to in-depth enquiries immediately. We are happy to arrange appointments with an appropriate member of staff who will be able to advise you on our holdings.


7621 Pécs, Szepesy Ignác utca 3.
72 / 501-600 / 22651
Klimo KönyvtárPécsi Egyetemtörténeti Gyűjtemény
Opening Hours
Guided Tours


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