Loaning and reservation

General Rules

The library card is personalised and non-transferable. Based on individual consideration and under exceptional circumstances, the reader may use library services through his/her authorized representative.

Registered library users may loan at the loan desk or at the automated lending equipment.

The loaned documents must be returned during the loan period, starting from the date of the loaning. Anyone who misses the deadline, must pay a late fee.  

Late fee:
The late fee is 20 HUF/document/day.

The readers's responsibility is to adhere to the deadline. The consequences of failing to meet the deadline shall be independent of any other circumstances and conditions – e.g. the fact that a warning message is sent by the library or not or whether you have read it.

If the reader missed the deadline due to an unavoidable, extraordinary cause (vis maior), he/she may defend himself/herself with a supporting document. The request must be sent to the following e-mail address:

The employees and students of the University of Pécs must settle their library debts before the termination of their legal relationship with the University of Pécs.

Conditions regarding loaning

Maximum number of  documents that can be loanedLoan period (month)
Renewal (month)
Late fee (Forints/document/day)
Student or employee of the University of Pécs10
Researcher of the University of Pécs, PhD student, part-time teacher1512x120
Teacher of the University of Pécs
Other readers


The readers may reserve documents currently loaned by others. The loaning deadline of reserved documents may not be renewed. Reserved documents may only be loaned by the person making the reservation.

Reservation fee: 100 HUF.

If you would like to make a reservation for a document, you can do it in person at the loans desk, by calling 06 72/501 650 (inner phone number 28021) or via e-mail:

The library will notify the reserving person via e-mail or letter when the reserved document is returned to the library and is available for him/her for loaning. Reserved and returned documents will be held on reserve for the reserving person for a maximum of 10 days before being made available to others.

Self-service book retrival

On the 0th level of the Centre for Knowledge, you can return the books during opening hours. The self-service book retrieval machine prints a list of returned books and – at your request – of other documents left on your library ticket.

Replacing lost or damaged books

In the case of loaned documents that are lost, destroyed or damaged by the library user, the library and the library user agree with the head of the reader service about the compensation. Please contact the head of the unit where the book belongs!

Reader's data

In your Reader's data account, you can check your loans and add the books' due dates to the calendar.

If you need help with the use of your account, watch this video.