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Individual and group learning spaces

The usage of the study room

in the study room we would like to ask you to:

- take care of the cleanness and equipment of the room
- don't take out or bring in any furniture
- don't use the room, at once, more than its capacity
- please be considerate to the others, and give five minutes patience time, to packing
- please drink and eat according to the PTE EKTK’s library usage regulations

The detailed description of the study rooms

Knowledge Centre

2/A Universitas Str. 7622 Pécs

2nd floor - Research room

- 1 study room, which can accommodate 1 person

- 1 study room, which can accommodate 2 person

For the readers of the library, the research rooms can be used without prior reservation.

Benedek Ferenc Specialized Library of the Faculties Law and Economics

3rd floor - Group study room

Room capacity: 2-7 people 


group study, projector, internet access (wifi and network), 1 computer for the lecturer.


The room is in the northern part of the reading area on the 3rd floor of the Knowledge Centre, opposite the staff kitchen.

Special condition:

Preference is given to those who indicate their need in advance, but use is also possible if someone arrives without an appointment.

The room is only accessible to UP citizens. 

Terms of use:

- Reservation for a minimum of 2 people.

- To make a reservation, it is necessary to hand in the library card of the person making the reservation (loan desk on the 3rd floor).

- It is strictly forbidden to take the room opening card out of the building. When leaving the study room, it is always mandatory to hand in the room opening card at the loan desk.

- The study room can be reserved for a maximum of two hours. The reservation can be renewed if no new reservation has been received for the room.

- The hall can be used on weekdays from 8:00 - 15:45, on Saturdays from 10:00 - 17:45. Booking for Sunday is not possible.

- The devices in the room can be used at your own risk. The reader (the person making the reservation) is liable for the devices.

The reservation is held for 15 minutes from the start time! If the person reserving the room does not show up within this time, the reservation will be cancelled.

- In case of violation of the rules, the reader may be banned from using the room (in severe cases, from the library).

Booking method:

3rd floor - Seminary room 

Capacity of the room: 3-15 people

Features: group study area, smart board, internet access (wifi and cable), 1 dedicated presentation computer

Description: The room 3422 is located on the 3rd floor in the office corridor.

Special condition: The room, equipped with a high-value interactive display (smartboard), is under constant camera surveillance. Users acknowledge that video recordings will be made of them and their use of the room. The video recordings will be stored for 72 hours. The room can only be used by university members with prior reservation. The room remains closed when it is not in use.

Terms of use:

- Reservation for a minimum of 3 people.

- The key can be requested at the 3rd-floor loaning desk of the Knowledge Centre by providing a signature and NEPTUN code.

- It is strictly forbidden to take the room opening key out of the building. When leaving the study room, it is always mandatory to hand in the room opening key at the loan desk.

- The study room can be reserved for a maximum of two hours. The reservation can be renewed if no new reservation has been received for the room.

- The hall can be used on weekdays from  8:00 - 15:45, on Saturdays from 10:00 - 17:45. Booking for Sunday is not possible.

- The devices in the room can be used at your own risk. The reader (the person making the reservation) is liable for the devices.

 The reservation is held for 15 minutes from the start time! If the person reserving the room does not show up within this time, the reservation will be cancelled.

- In case of violation of the rules, the reader may be banned from using the room (in severe cases, from the library).


3rd floor - Research room
- 1 study room, which can accommodate 2 person
For the readers of the library, the research rooms can be used without prior reservation.

Specialized Library of Engineering and Information Technology

2. Boszorkány Str. 7624 Pécs

Capacity of the room: 10 people

Features: Group study, individual study, projector, canvas for the projector, wifi, equipped with a computer, internet access

Description: Inside the library the research room, and the journal reading room both have a separate entrance. Because of that, it can be silenced from the reading spaces without any problem. So it can be used for group sessions and classes accordingly. It can also be used for project functions, beside that of course the room can be used for individual study as well. Priority is given to those who have made reservations, but the rooms can also be used without prior booking.


Specialized Library of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development

1. Rákóczi Str. 7100 Szekszárd

Capacity of the room: 8 people

Features: group study, individual study, computer, wifi, internet access

Description: We created a group study space, at the study room of the children's library of the study library. The room can accommodate 8 people. It has a computer which is applied to the wall and internet access.Its separated from the other parts of the library so it can be used to hold courses, or classes uninterrupted, and the students can use it in groups or individually.

Special condition: The room can't be locked.


Tóth József Specialized Library of Humanities and Sciences

6. Ifjúság Str. 7624 Pécs

Capacity of the room: 8 people

Features: group study, individual study, projector, canvas for the projector, wifi, equipped with a computer, internet access. webcam

Description: A study room with projector and canvas, which can be used as an individual or a group study room. equipped with a PC with internet access. A student can reserve the room for 4 hours/day or 8 hours a week max.

Special condition: You can ask for they key of the room at the front desk of the library. To pick up and give back the key, we need your signature. The computer is protected by a password, our colleagues will help you with it, in case you need it.



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