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Online registration

If you already have a valid library card, you can use our online services, so online registration is unnecessary.
If you are not a member of our library yet, but would like to become one, you can register online through the interface below, so you can use the library's online services remotely.
If you are a citizen of the University of Pécs, you will be able to access the databases subscribed by the University of Pécs from home after online registration.

After registration you will be automatically notified of the usage. For other library services, please personally apply with your ID in one of our libraries. You can find the registration terms here.

We care about your privacy - the choice is yours.

The information we collect helps us understand how you use our services, which are the information of your interest and how we can improve the quality of our services to you.

Do you allow us to collect and use your information to personalize our services to you?

Set the behaviours that are acceptable to you, or visit our more detailed information page created for this purpose to find out about your options!

(*) Necessary items

In order to use a website such as ours, it is essential to place certain elements in your browser while you visit our site. If you do not agree to this, unfortunately we will not be able to display our site to you.

Customer Feedback - Have Your Say!

Feedback forms, pop-up surveys, and data tracking help us to understand how you use our services and sites and we provide feedback through them.

Troubleshooting - Helps us identify and resolve issues

In order to better understand their experience, we collect information about your online behaviour to identify and resolve errors.

Click on the link at the bottom of the page to change the settings later.