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Printing, photocopying, scanning, binding

Self-service photocopying

Self-service photocopying, printing and scanning are available for registered readers of the library on all levels of the building (floors 1-4). For this, first you need to upload some money to your library card with the help of one of our recharging stations (floors 1 and 2).

After this, copying and printing are available from a library computer or you can choose mobile printing from your own device. The recharging station only accepts cash and does not give back change, so the amount of money can only be used for copying and printing. Self-service scanning is free on every floor.

Photocopying and printing on normal paper (80g)  

A/4 black & white

HUF 15 / page

A/3 black & white

HUF 25 / page



free of charge


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