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Remote access

With remote access, it is possible to access databases, e-journals, e-book packages subscribed to by the University Library and Knowledge Centre from home. It is available for university citizens (students, instructors, employees). For this reason, verification is necessary.

The two usual methods are the following: The first one is our proxy service, which requires the library card ID, and enables access to every paid database. The second one is the EduID system, which requires Neptun (EHA) code. This latter one is supported by select database providers only. In some cases, there are other authentication methods available as well (e.g. VPN, institutional e-mail address, local registration).

The login methods are the following:
1. Proxy

The library provides a so-called proxy service for enrolled university citizens. Identification is done by a library card, so one must have a valid library card in one of the libraries of the university library network. If so, enrolled university citizens can use our tutorials below to configure their browser to access content through the library proxy.


 Google Chrome

University citizens who are not enrolled and thus cannot use remote access can register online on the following page and then use the service. (You can change the language on the top right corner.) It is important that the proxy setup to be performed only after the online registration is completed, otherwise the system will report an error.

2. EduID, Shibboleth, Institutional login

EduID authentication (sometimes referred to as Shibboleth or Institutional login) uses the Neptun or EHA code of university citizens. For this reason, it is necessary to enter the corresponding password.

With this login method it is usually worth looking for something like "Intézményi belépés" or "Institutional login""Login through your institution" or "Belépés eduID azonosítóval", but you will always find specific links and step-by-step setup instructions by clicking on the publisher names below.

Once you get to where you have to type or select the University of Pécs from the list, it is worth trying both in Hungarian and English, with "Pécs" or with "Pecs" as well.

It is important that this identification is only supported by the service providers listed below!

(So, even if you see this option in many other places – and often even the PTE can be selected – if not listed here, the setup will not be successful.)

  List of our EduID / Shibboleth access databases:

3. Other means of identification

Although the proxy can be configured for each subscribed database (not required for the free ones), there are other ways to remote use, as shown in the section marked with the house icon:

    a) Registration


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    Click on the link at the bottom of the page to change the settings later.