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World Bank Collection

The Washington-based World Bank has sent its publications as a gift to the Library of the University of Pécs from 1996 to 2008. The collection contains books related to international economic relations, economic development, economic sociology, developing countries and money matters furthermore various reports and studies.

agricultureeconomic conditionsincome distribution
bankeconomic developmentinfrastructure
bankingeconomic development projectsinternational trade
commercial policyeconomic growthpoverty
developing countriesfinancesustainable development
economic assistanceglobalization 



African development indicators 
[publ. by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development]
Annual report 
[prep. by] the Inspection Panel [for the] International Bank for Reconstruction and Development [and the] International Development Association
Annual report 
World Bank Group, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
... annual review of development effectiveness 
ed. by Alison Evans, William G. Battaile ; [publ. by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 
[publ. by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development] ; ed. by Boris Pleskovic, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Michael Bruno
Annual World Bank Conference on Development in Latin America and the Caribbean 
ed. by Shahid Javed Burki [et al.] ;[publ. by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development]
Doing business in ... 
a copubl. by the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation and Oxford University Press
Global development finance : Analysis and summary tables ; Country tables 
[publ. by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development]
Global economic prospects 
[publ. by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development]
Global economic prospects and the developing countries 
[publ. by the International Bank for Recontsruction and Development]
The little data book 
[ed. by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Deelopment]
The little green data book : From the world development indicators 
[publ. by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development]
Perspectives on development 
publ. the World Bank
The World Bank economic review 
[publ. by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development]
The World Bank Group directory 
[publ. by the] Information and Technology Services Department, Information Solutions Group
The World Bank research observer 
[publ. by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development] ; [ed. by Moshe Syrquin]
The World Bank research program : Abstracts of current studies 
[publ. by the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development]
World development indicators 
[publ. by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development] ; [prep. by a team led by K. Sarwar Lateef, Eric Swanson]
World development report 
[publ. by International Bank for Reconstruction and Development]

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