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European Documentation Centre

The aim of the European Documentation Centre (EDC) is to facilitate research on the European Union. To collect, systematise and make available (partly on loan) literature on European integration for students, academics and researchers in the field of European studies and for interested individuals.


The Documentation Centre's services include personal and online reference (technical information) on the Union. This includes, of course, traditional library loan. The European Documentation Centre also functions as a reading room and is widely used by Hungarian and foreign students. The room has access to the Legal Database (Jogkódex) compiled by HVG ORAC (subscribed by the library). Offsite computers also contain legal acts with legislative changes, bills, cases, legal articles, the EU Code of Law (EU-Jogkódex), case studies, commentaries and glossary. For access and availability, please contact us on the 3rd floor circulation desk.


The service is available upon prior notice in person or by telephone or e-mail through the Ask a Librarian service.

Internet and database usage

The electronic catalogue from the main site and the terminals reserved for this purpose can be used by anyone in the library area.
Readers registered of the University of Pécs University Library and Centre for Learning and students with a NEPTUN ID can use the following IT services:

- wireless (Wi Fi) computer network throughout the building,

- computer and internet usage,

- use of programs installed by the library on library machines,

- use of databases and electronic journals subscribed by the library.


Documents with a status “loanable” in the electronic catalogue can be loaned according to the general rules.

Photocopying, scanning, printing

2/A. Universitas Street Pécs 7622
Opening Hours

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